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Signature works 대표 작품 소개

새로운 것, 두렵지 않아요.

내 색깔, 내 손을 통해 창조하는 것

그 자체가 즐거워요.

- 진리 -

New things, I'm not afraid.
The things that are created through

my hands and my colors.
I enjoy it itself.


캔버스에 아크릴화 / Acrylic on canvas

22cm*28cm / 2015

고양이 모음 / JINLI(TRUTH)'S CAT Vowels
캔버스에 아크릴화 / Acrylic on canvas

80cm*60cm / 2015

제주도 가족여행 /Family vacation in Jeju Island
캔버스에 아크릴화 / Acrylic on canvas 

65cm*52cm / 2016

Ducks are the reflection of loved ones.Inspired by a trip to Jeju Island with his family, the artist represented his family as five ducks, and enjoyed finding metaphors for Jeju Island, airplanes, and the sea.

링가와 몽 / Linga and Mong
캔버스에 아크릴화 / Acrylic on canvas

61cm*71cm / 2016

하늘에서 토끼가 내려와! / It’s raining rabbits!
캔버스에 아크릴화 / Acrylic on canvas 

91cm*117cm / 2022

There is a secret garden in Jin Li's mind, where her favorite objects draw their own presence and joyfully interact with her.
First, a cat she met on the street entered her mental garden, then ducks, cranes, clouds, and the most recent addition: a rabbit with a pink body, round face and eyes, smiling face, and nose. These rabbits are named after Jin Li, and each individual is called a Jin L
i rabbit. They are cheerful, playful, and always have a smile on their faces. They like to play in the clouds, and this painting captures that. I depicted a rabbit descending from the sky, hence the name of the piece, Rabbit Down from the Sky! We can't wait to see where the bunnies will venture next. It shows the artist's boundless imagination, creativity, and love for rabbits.

자화상 / Self-portrait
캔버스에 아크릴화 / Acrylic on canvas

24cm*33cm / 2020


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And if you'd like to see a more professional Excel file of my artwork,

please contact me.



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